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20 easy ways to save money
Easy ways:
- Use your local library to borrow books, movies and soundtracks for free.
- Rent DVDs, as you will only want to watch most movies once.
- Bring your own lunch to work.
- Brew your own coffee at a cost of about $0.40 per pot.
- Do laundry once a week instead of every day.
- Use cards with rewards, they add up fast for next to no effort required from you.
- Cook at home healthy meals at a fraction of a cost of eating out or ordering in.
- Shop at discount stores for the brand name items.
- Cancel magazine deliveries, subscribe to magazines online.
- Buy what you need, not what you want.
More ways:
- Get rid of cable TV, you can only watch one channel at a time anyways.
- Shop around for cell phone plans, and take advantage of family plans.
- Get rid of home phone line if you are using cell phone primarily.
- Quit smoking and cut down on drinking.
- Drive at a speed limit to avoid getting tickets that affect car insurance rates.
Even more ways:
- Shop around for a car insurance.
- Put a higher down payment on a house you buy to minimize your morgage payments.
- Refinance your home to minimize mortgage payments.
- Negotiate the selling price when purchasing a car or a house to save thousands of dollars.
- Take advantage of TFSA and RRSP to minimize tax burden.
Also read: 20 more ways to save money over the holidays