Dating after divorce

It's hard not to be skeptical
For many divorced women, returning to the singles scene can be a frightening prospect. Depending on the length of the marriage and the difficulty of the actual divorce, the idea of dating can leave women feeling nervous, intimidated and overly critical of themselves. These feelings often make it hard to step outside of one’s comfort zone and meet new people. Fortunately, when approached the right way, dating after divorce doesn’t have to be a traumatic experience.
Be Ready
Following a divorce there isn’t a strict time-line that says when a person should or should not start dating again. One of the worst things that a woman can do is to jump into dating before she is ready. Although friends and even family may encourage or attempt to push a newly single person into dating, only she knows when she’s ready to take that step.
Take It Slow
Just because a woman has begun dating, it doesn’t mean that she has to immediately look for a serious relationship. While it is possible to meet someone special shortly after dating again, it shouldn’t be a priority. By easing into the dating scene she can get her feet wet, have fun and renew her confidence.
Don’t Dwell on the Ex
Depending on the circumstances of the divorce, some women may seek out men who remind them of their spouses. Whether it is done intentionally or otherwise, a date shouldn’t be seen as a replacement for an ex-husband. Another mistake to avoid is centering the conversation around the topic of divorce or the ex-spouse in general.
For most people, dating after divorce is a big step. Although the idea may seem scary, the experience of dating again can be enjoyable. The key to successfully reentering the single world lies in being prepared to move forward.